Sunday, January 6, 2013

Monkeying around again

In high school, a friend once told me "Alex, you are out of your tree man". The reality is, if you've ever seen my friend Josh the arborist on the ground as apposed to in a tree you'll know the statement is more becoming of him than it is for me. So, speaking of monkeys, we were digging through the log piles and found a bunch of monkey pod that we had forgotten about. And since everyone loves Monkey pod, we figured we'd monkey around a bit. Monkey pod is interesting in that it can be a dark almost walnuty color when you mill it, a light tan color, or a chocolaty brown. We apparently grouped our log by species and not by tree. Because when we milled our latest stack, we came up with 3 piles of milled monkey pod that clearly came from 3 different trees. Attached are some photos. And in case you are wondering, we've currently got lots of monkey pod for sale.

Getting into the swing of things

So in December, it was determined by mutual consensus by neighbors, friends, and family that the woodpile was getting out of control. We swapped out the slabber and reinstalled the swing blade. "Some folks like to call it a swing blade, but I like to call it a Kaiser blade". haha Just kidding. The Lucas Mill is an ingenious device. It loads into a pickup and unfolds like some giant mechanical spider over the largest logs and widdles them down into dimensional lumber. So, like noisy little elves, we fired up the mill and cut something like 20,000 board feet in 5 days in between surfing monstrous shore break and trying to relax. Below are a couple of photos of the fruits of our labor and we now have a large assortment of clear and utility grade Cypress ranging in dimension from 1X4 to 1X6, 2X4, 2X6, 4X4, 4X6, and 6X6 and up to 14 feet long. Soon to be partnered with our latest addition, the Logosol planner molder. We will be offering a variety of materials in T and G. Including cypress, robusta, and ohia in paneling and other moulding patterns.